Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 26, 2020

Days and months pass by and I often forget about this blog. Weird that I started it so many years ago; time really does fly!

August 24th was the sixth anniversary of Charlie being admitted to the hospital in critical condition with what would turn out to be brain cancer. He's doing well; a bit of a limp in his left leg from the first bout with melanoma, and he does get tired easily but who doesn't at age 64?! His strength isn't what it used to be either and age can be partially at fault for that. But all in all, getting to 6 years with no recurrences (as far as we know) is a big milestone. It will be 6 years in October that his lung cancer was discovered and the end of December will be 6 years since finishing 4 bouts of radiation for the lung cancer. I can't say that he has it beat as you just never know with melanoma. One thing is for sure; he would not be here if we had listened to his first oncologist!

We're still not participating in the panic porn of the pandemic. No mask, no hand sanitizer, no sterilizing everything, no washing the groceries, which we shop for ourselves. No gloves. Just the normal house cleaning and washing hands when needed.

It's funny--after making that post about taking and posting screen shots if I get any more emails that are along of the lines of "Do you know what So and So is doing?" they have stopped. No more junk from the same email addresses either. I was going through the emails on that Gmail account (that only one person, as far as I can remember, knew) from way back when looking for something else and found a couple of "odd" emails. One was a photo of a jar of boysenberry jam and a small folding fan. The person (who did not use an identifying name) asked if I could guess what the photo meant because "I know you were so good at these things." I did not respond but my guess would be "fan boys." I won't out the email here with the address and Internet IP because it was before I said I would out them publicly. Fair is fair. I'm just glad the emails have stopped because I truly don't care.

I used to get emails asking me when I would post about my take on the 2020 election. Those stopped, too. Anyone who wants to know my thoughts only need to follow my Twitter account.

I keep seeing Dems say that the Trump administration was slow to act regarding COVID, so I wrote a rather lengthy timeline that covers about the first 3 months. I made it public so it could be shared but if anyone has me blocked, you won't see it. Ah well!

Facebook timeline of COVID

Had tons of rain and the outer bands of a tornado so the gardens were pretty wrecked for this year. The flowers are still blooming, even tho they are all bent askew; the orchard, herbs, and elderberry bushes are doing well. Veggies wrecked but I got tons of hot and bell peppers; drying the hot peppers for the winter months.

So that's about it, just tickin' right along!

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2020, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

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