Monday, August 21, 2023

Oliver Anthony

By now most people have heard of Oliver Anthony (see his info on Facebook). It's amusing to see people saying it's a song that is "dividing America." Hardly. I believe it has struck a chord, so to speak, with people of all persuasions--it was #1 on iTunes which is hardly made up of conservatives. It was streamed on Spotify over 11 million times in the first week. Finally, someone making real music that means something!

A few years ago I wrote that today's musicians were failing us by not putting out protest songs of the day and we've seen Jason Aldean and Anthony Oliver step up. People want to parse their words into something not meant in order to divide--those people are causing any divisions among Americans and with the success of each of their songs, I think people are starting to see who really is causing division. United we stand, divided we fall, and there are those out there who want to see America fall.

Been a while since I posted on this blog--life marches merrily along and time flies. I've pretty much forgotten about it. So what's been going on? I'll turn 66-years-old tomorrow, on Dorothy Parker's birthday. Love that I share a birthday with such a wit! I just wish her life had been happier. Thursday marks 9 years since Charlie was diagnosed with melanoma in the brain. And then a few months later, in the lung. We opted for 2 surgical procedures (1 brain, 1 lung) and no chemo. I've had him on alternatives instead and he's doing well. He did have a second brain surgery a few years ago and the doctors think a cyst formed due to the first surgery. He recovered well from that surgery, and there was no return of the cancer. 

I was bitten by a tick in June 2021 and got super sick. I was in the ER up to 3 times a week at one point. Doctors said I was fine. Stated "You do not have Lyme." I had Lyme and several co-infections. I was failing neurologically and had heart issues (did not take the Covid jabs!). My blood pressure has been normal all of my life, sometimes a bit low. But it shot up to 192/107 and they just wanted to put me on meds instead of finding out what was going on. After $10,000 in medical bills (I was 64 and not on Medicare yet!) and no help from the doctors, I fired them. I was able to get over it myself. I joined a Lyme group, did massive research, and started experimenting with herbal supplements. Learning how Lyme affects the body was key in understanding how to attack it. Within 3 days of the program I designed for myself, I was feeling better. I woke up smiling on the third day! I was actually beginning to sleep, as insomnia and vertigo were constant. It took the better part of a year to get back to what I consider 100% but I got there and it feels so good to feel so good! I told Charlie the other day that I might be almost 66 but in my head I feel like I did in my 30's. I have tons of energy, which is a good thing as we've had tons of projects to catch up on since his last brain surgery and recovery, then my appendectomy, and then the Lyme disease. We've literally taken each room apart, decluttered, got rid of shit, and repaired, painted, etc. Almost done, just have the office and my sewing room to do. We're having company for a week at the end of September so it's good incentive to push on and get it done. We've moved the furniture around, added new pieces, etc. Almost like an entirely new house. 

Matthew is doing well; it's a good thing we got him into his house 7.5 years ago, it would be almost impossible today. A lot of stuff that we don't need anymore is going to him, and he has a fiancé. She's having a good time decorating their house and making it hers, too. They're both hard workers and happy. No wedding date yet but sometime in 2024 is the estimate. There's no hurry. He turned 32 in July and a lot of his friends are already struggling with too many kids and divorces. I am glad he waited until he found someone like her instead of just rushing into a relationship because everyone else was. He's worked on his career, which has changed a few times and he now works for the City of Richmond pulling down more than Charlie made at that age! He's also been working on his education. He got his associates degree and is working on the Bachelor's degree, while also taking classes in his career pursuit and getting those certifications, including state certifications. He's been a go-getter for sure. He now sees why we told him "no" when he wanted to "take a year off" after high school. We knew that would not be the right thing and he sees his high school friends who did not continue on the path to adulthood still living at home. One of his female friends lives at home with mommy and daddy, with her baby and husband. One male friend still lives at home and sometimes has his 8 year old son stay there, too. Another had 5 kids way too young and he sees her struggling to work and raise them. Matthew is able to work, work on his house, and do fun things with his fiancé without too much restraint due to putting first things first. There were times when he was a teen that I didn't think we'd get to this point!

So that's it. Now time to forget about this blog again!

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2023, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

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