Saturday, October 5, 2024

October 5, 2024

Surprise! I'm here! A friend reminded me of something I have planned to say on this blog next month so decided to leave it up until then.

So. How ya'll doin'? Hoping this finds everyone high and dry. Or, just dry. 

How 'bout that FEMA response to the hurricane victims? What was that Mayorkas said just three months ago?  Maybe my ears are bad but I thought he assured us that they were "tremendously prepared"?

Here's the YouTube link. I would embed the video but when I do, Google removes them. I wonder why? Question: When in the long history of mankind has a good person censored free speech? I can only think of bad ones. But more on that in a bit. Here's Mayorkas. In his own words:

But now he says they don't have enough money for the victims of this hurricane, and with several others brewin'. Better stock up on supplies, 'cause they ain't gonna be helping anyone. Seems the money for America's disasters went to a (wo)man made disaster--the influx of millions of illegals. Some of them didn't even have to cross the border--in order to keep illegal border crossing numbers down, they've been flying them in from other countries, especially Haiti. Even Tammy Bruce (former Democrat) saw it first hand as she landed at an airport in the middle of the night.

From the videos and interviews that I'm seeing, many are missing. Many lost their homes. Many have no food, water, electricity. Toxic mud coats many places. Many volunteer organizations were on the ground within a day, including my favorite heroes, the United Cajun Navy

While we are seeing the devastation, Biden seems clueless over "which storm." And he also seems to think that people have everything they need and are happy...what the actual fuck?

Because of Biden's words, too many people out there think that everything's okay. The victims are happy (those who are still alive...) and have everything they need. So what do they do? They mock the videos of victims who are able to get their story out there. They call people like former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, and others, a "grifter" for trying to raise funds to help the victims. Tulsi is amazing, here's one of her tweets about her efforts: Tulsi Gabbard

More later. Trump and Elon Musk about to take the stage in Butler Pennsylvania...

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Monday, September 16, 2024

September 16, 2024

I've always been a live and let live kinda person. If someone wants to be a Democrat or a Republican or a Wiccan or a Christian, so be it. If a person is nice, I'm nice in return. If they aren't, I move on. I've never cut someone out of my life for their political predilection but I think I've gotten to that point.

A few family members cut me out of their life because I'm not a Democrat and don't toe the party line. On either side, actually. I think for myself. So be it. No big loss.

But I think I've changed my mind. My mind is the only one that I can change. I see the hate spewed at Conservatives constantly, from the media to the Democrats and society in general. Life is too short for that. Ten years ago at this time, Charlie was recovering from surgery for brain cancer and preparing to undergo radiation therapy for lung cancer. Life is too short for this shit. At 67, I just am over it. 

I've come to the conclusion that Dem isn't short for Democrats but for demons. They support the killing of babies, the harassment of people who don't go along with their groupthink, they support Conservatives being killed, and so on. It's finally become too much hate.

So. If there's anything you want to copy from this blog do it now, 'cause it's gonna be deleted within a week. I'm over the hate, the lies, all of it. 

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26, 2024

Been too busy to post for a few but this is a good'un. Country over party. Unless you're a cult member...

"Let us not despair but act. Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past - let us accept our own responsibility for the future." --JFK

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

So, after watching some of the DNC today I just kept thinking "How can anyone be proud of these people? How can anyone think their plans are sane?"

Bring in millions of people from many countries, and most of them have no permanent home. They are being given $5000 in debit cards, $15,000 in food cards, free housing for 2 years, all medical is free...and that's just for starters. They will give them Medicare and Social Security. If Social Security is so precious to Dems, why are they okay with Kamala's plan???

It's shameful. That's the only word for it, it's shameful all the way around. Kamala never got voted into anything--I thought democracy was so important to Dems? I thought coups were bad things to Dems? What do you call what they did to Biden? Maureen Dowd got it right. I'm not big fan of hers and she has raised the ire of many Dems who once thought she was so great.

If you don't have a subscription to The New York Times, go to this link (although I thought The NYT was the bible for Dems...)

Absolutely shameful. Every Democrat should be ashamed, because the ruin that would come at the hand of Kamala is on them. And I hope they love what will happen, because they won't be exempt. 

Now go do the right thing.

PS: Scuttlebutt is that Biden plans to abdicate just before midnight tonight. We shall see. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17, 2024

LMAO. Doesn't anyone else pay attention? The bias is so obvious!

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Those are for starters. Kinda shocked lamestream media is actually somewhat factual...

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

August 16, 2024

Are price controls a good thing? Some of us remember the 1970s. And some of us remember history (Russia, anyone? Venezuela?). And some of us (me!) are married to economics majors. From a government website, opens in PDF.

The Economics of Price Controls Link HERE

"Inflation has grown rapidly over the last year and reached a 41-year high of 9.1 percent in June 2022. In response, some policymakers have proposed implementing price controls (in particular, price ceilings) to reduce the cost of inflation for consumers. Instead of sustainably lowering prices, price ceilings cause shortages, reduce product quality, and can make longer-term inflation worse."
• A price ceiling creates a government-mandated maximum price that sellers can charge their customers.
• Price controls can lower prices for some consumers but also cause shortages which lead to arbitrary rationing and, over time, reduce product innovation and quality.
• Price controls during the 1970s caused shortages, especially of oil and gasoline. Rapid inflation followed the repeal of price controls.
• Price controls on prescription drugs—such as those imposed by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022—stunt pharmaceutical innovation, imposing large, long-run costs on Americans that outweigh the short-run benefits of lower prices."

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it--is this what you want? It's what Kamala wants. She tries to hide it under the guise of "price gouging" which obviously shows she has no idea what price gouging is.

She doesn't understand a lot of things, she just thinks they sound good and the maroons who are going to vote for her are too stupid to know, too. And too stupid to look it up. She doesn't even know the definition of inflation...

Now she wants to give first time home buyers $25,000. Vote buying. But who will pay for that? She's already said our taxes will go up. And all that will do is raise house prices by $25,000! We have to take in millions of illegal immigrants, and she's going to fix prices?! Hello, rationing! Hello black markets! Better learn to grow yer own.

Now go do the right thing.

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15, 2024

It amazes me how so many Dems are screeching "Trump lies! All he does is lie!!!!"

What are the lies? Write them down, then refute them intelligently with primary sources. Any parrot can learn "Trump lies!!!!" Can a parrot learn to think, analyze, reason, use logic? Neither can most Dems, it seems.

Like Tim Walz and his Stolen Valor. "What difference does it make? He served!!" Yes, he served. So did JD Vance. We would be pissed at JD if he lied about his service. But the Dems take up for every lie coming down the pike! C''s obvious.

Here's a good reasoning on the Stolen Valor thing. It's a blatant lie; it's very dishonest. Would you like someone taking credit for your work? Don't act so morally upright, virtuous ,and indignant, over supposed lies by Trump, when your own side is LYING RIGHT TO YOUR FUCKING FACE! Provable lies! Answer your clue phone.

** MUST WATCH—JD Vance brilliantly summarizes why so many veterans are furious about Tim Walz's lies about his rank and service: 

“Tim Walz claimed he carried a weapon in war, he’d never went into war."

"Tim Walz said he didn’t know his unit was about to deploy to Iraq when even his own press release at the time said that he knew exactly that."

"Tim Walz claims to be a Command Sergeant General, even had it printed on his challenge coin & he knew he never achieved that rank."

"This is not about disparaging anybody’s services including Tim Walz. This is about disparaging the dishonesty, and asking Kamala Harris why are you showing such poor judgement by standing by a guy who insulted our veterans and lied about his service.”

Now go do the right thing.

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14, 2024

Somethin' don't add up. Kamala keeps screeching that Trump is going to do away with Social Security. He didn't do that during his first term and consistently says he will never cut SS. He said so again today at his rally in Asheville, NC. Go look it up.

Notice how the Dems always screech that the Republican opponent with do away with SS? But they never do. Many use it as a bargaining chip--lookin' at you, Obama--but Trump has not done that.

All facts easy to check. Here's something else easy to check, if you know basic bath, and a good grasp on logic: Kamala wants illegal immigrants to be granted amnesty and become voting citizens and given Medicare, SS, etc. Millions of immigrants who have not paid into the system. Which one do you think will "do away with Social Security"?

Collect the dots. Then connect the dots. If you vote for the Dems, you're voting away with Social Security! So make up yer you want SS? Or nah?

Do you hate Trumps (alleged) lies? Then why are lies from Kamala and Walz okay?

That's what's on my mind at the moment. Til later--

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28, 2024

LMAO. You can tell when someone, or a bunch of someone's, are desperate. Talk about policy? Nope. Talk about the economy? Nope. Talk about security? Nope.

But the Left is full time twisting and leaving out context for what Trump says. In a recent TPUSA speech, Trump was urging Christians to register to vote, as, proportionately, evangelical Christians turn out in low numbers. So he encourages them to register, and to vote. The Left took a clip out of context to mean that Trump said if they voted for him, they would never have to vote again.

Nice try. Those who watched, and know how to work the YouTube (Rumble, etc.), know what he said and what the context was. He was saying that if you vote for him this November, you can go back to being indifferent later because they are going to fix the elections so that they can't be rigged. 

I've called out publicly a number of journalists who are putting forth the lie. A group of Liberals recently got their asses handed to them in a group ran by a Lib and populated by Libs constantly promoting lies. In the past, they received very little push back. It was fun watching the Conservatives finally stand up and post the truth, and the context. Taken out of context, anyone could be hated for anything. Twisting, lying, etc.--anyone could look like a monster. 

That's where critical thinking skills come in. Like I said before, this is 2024. The truth is at our finger tips. It isn't hard to find. Unless you want to misinform. Unless you want to be misinformed. Unless you want to believe whatever fits your narrative.

Anyway. This could be a fun game but it's really a waste of time. You can't fix stupid, they say. So, stay stupid. Stay unintellectual. Keep passing on lies. 

You want to know who started calling Harris czar? The info is out there. Ain't hard to find. I gave a couple of hints. Go forth and seek truth, or be intellectually dishonest. No skin off my teeth.

This blog has probably outlived it's usefulness. Prob'ly gonna delete it soon. 

But I will add this, and then I'm prob'ly done. Shocked that BLM is not okay with Kamala basically being coronated:

Timeline of Events


•Joe Biden drops out.

•Kamala Harris announces campaign with Biden endorsement.

•Kamala Harris says she is going to work hard to earn the nomination.

•Kamala Harris makes calls to party delegates.


•Kamala Harris continues making calls to party delegates.

•Kamala Harris makes two public speeches.

•AP announces Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates to be the Democratic Nominee (Monday night).

•Kamala Harris releases this statement, noting she has worked hard to “go out and earn this nomination” as promised (Monday night).

A 24-hour process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process Democrats should be proud of. We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs.

Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites.

We call on the DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates."

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25, 2024

Lies. Nobody likes lies, right? Nobody likes a liar, right? But they will vote for a liar. People claim that Trump lies but they never say what the lie was. They never give primary source info to prove that what they call lies is true. Like the "fine people" hoax. They show edited clips instead of the entirety of his words. And people swallow the lie because it suits their narrative. But there's always YouTube for those who seek truth!

Same with the "bloodbath" hoax. You want truth? Or want to believe lies? You want to vote for a liar or his surrogate liar? Here's what the context, with video and transcript, was: What Trump said about a 'bloodbath'

I'll post more of his "lies" at a later date, been super busy.

But. A few Kamala lies. She promotes Project 2025 as a "Trump agenda." He has disavowed Project 2025 numerous times at his rallies, and on social media. Since she claims it is a Trump agenda, she should use Trump's word as a primary source. Here is his response in writing, and what his ACTUAL agenda is; Agenda 47. At his rallies, he has even said "900 pages? Who needs 900 pages?" Do some research, if you're smart enough... Kamala's words, right out of the gate, her first video, was a blatant lie to her base (such as it is...).

Now, you can believe a primary source, or not. But choosing to believe something other than a primary source is your decision. You're pulling the wool over your own eyes, you're comforted by a lie. Don't try to blame the media for "being mislead." Do some research. It ain't hard. Don't fall back on plausible deniability because that won't cut it. It's 2024 and everything is at our finger tips...for critical thinkers who are smart enough to sniff out the truth.

The media is now saying that Kamala was never the border Czar. The "Republicans" called her that, they say. Why? From Collin Rugg:

"The media did this in 2016 and 2020 and they’re doing it now in 2024 for Kamala Harris.
- Report on a true story that is bad for the Democrat candidate & say it’s false.
- Debate comes, Trump will use the true topic (Border Czar) against Harris.
- Harris will then cite all the “news reports” claiming she was never Border Czar.
- Trump won’t have much of a defense besides the typical “fake news.”
- The media will then report on how “Trump lied about Kamala Harris as Border Czar” and will then cite their BS “news reports.”
- The media will then add the “lie” to their “Trump Lied 156 Times During The Debate” list.
This is one of the many ways the media rigs elections."

But. How would we know for sure who first named her as border Czar? Would there be a...primary source? There is! That's your homework. It will be a good brain exercise, for those who still have some brain cells left after 3.5 years of brainwashing. A few hints: Who had House majority in March 2021? That's two clues right there! I do have the answer and will reveal it on Monday. Remember, it is a primary source, not a news clip.

Ciao for niao. More later.

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12, 2024

So, it's rather amusing to see everyone after the Trump/Biden debate clasp their pearls over Biden's...memory issues. How he gets lost, and can't go down a 6 inch step unassisted. It's been clear to people for years who don't need the Dem-run lamestream media to tell us what to think and that what we are seeing and hearing is a cheap fake, misinformation, etc. What the Hell ever happened to smart people who can actually think?

Anyway. (My favorite Bidenism.)

Has the Dem-run lamestream media told you that your daughters, grand daughters, nieces, sisters, etc. ages 18-26 will be required to register for the draft? Here's the PDF from the Armed Services--a legitimate primary source.

I remember when someone thought that Donald Rumsfeld was going to draft their sons...and there was no primary source for that fear. Now there is a legit primary source for the ones who want to draft your sons and daughters...

US Armed Services National Defense Authorization Act

More later, had completely forgotten about this blog!

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11, 2024

Long time, no see! Aren't sunflowers beautiful? So cheery.

A few favorite quotes:

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." ~George Orwell, 1984

"An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." ~Sun Tzu

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2024, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.