Friday, April 1, 2016


April Tools 

They never thought that they'd get caught
Not a faithful one in that lot
And they think that they are so hot!

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2016, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2015

So I heard from someone who said they didn't think I predicted Trump would win the nomination, all the way back to last August. But I did indeed: August 14, 2015 (I also said the same thing in September and October.)

So we will see if my prediction comes true but looks likely so far. And we will see if Obama refuses to go.

I know people who were diehard Obama fans and voted for him twice who've jumped ship for Trump. I think the only way to stop Trump is for Cruz to be supported but whatever happens, happens. Who needs a reality show when you've got the presidential stuff going on? :)

Why did I say that Trump would win the nomination? Because people want real change. They're tired of bullshit. "Hope and change" was a good promise but fell flat. Trump will bring about change. Will everyone like it? No. But not everyone liked Obama, either. That's the way it always is; you can't please everyone. One side is always pissed. And seeing the vitriol spewed by libs does nothing to sway me (or anyone) to their side. They just beat the same tired drum with their tribe.

I will say that I am saddened by the lack of constitutional knowledge displayed on both sides but especially on the Dems side. They say that only the uneducated will vote for Trump but they lack knowledge of the Constitution and for history in general! I've called out a few on Twitter and on Facebook. One Dem on Facebook messaged me to say that he "knows his history and the Constitution but the other side doesn't and he's trying to trick them." I didn't buy it. He and his tribe all slap each other on the back and congratulate each other for the "points" they made that were so wrong historically that it is sad.

Didn't these people go to school? Don't they read, have any curiosity about history and our Constitution?

And those voting for Sanders? Like that'll go far. As criminal as she is, HRC will win the nomination. Those who are for Sanders are the ones who tend to want everything provided for them. Ya know what--only about 45 % pay no federal income tax. Those who do pay taxes will have even more heaped on them to pay for the free education, absolution of past education debt, free health care, and so on. We can't afford it. So with the added taxes, more will decide that they are better off not working and even more will pay no federal income tax, further burdening those who do. Be careful what is wished for, as the saying goes.

Poems/prose on this site are original works, copyrighted Julie P. Clark 2016, and may not be used without permission. DISCLAIMER: Poems and commentary should not be taken to mean any person living, dead, or otherwise.